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Caravaggio, painter extraordinaire, a flawed genius and …… a murderer!

Lecture on Monday 7th December 2026 at 2:15PM

Lecturer: Keith Bonser
Venue: Larruperz Centre

I am not an art historian, I am a Master of Education (Birmingham University), who was inspired to pursue an interest in Caravaggio, completely by chance, following a visit to Dublin in 1995. Extensive research and travelling throughout Europe to see his paintings in situ, has created a lecture which combines my personal experiences with a detailed account of his life and his paintings.

Keith Bonser was a teacher and senior manager in education for 38 years. Retirement in 2008 gave him the opportunity to pursue a specific interest that has its origins in 1995. A weekend break in Dublin introduced him to Caravaggio. He has travelled extensively throughout Europe to see Caravaggio's paintings in situ, tracing his life story from the town of Caravaggio to the cities of Milan, Rome, Naples, and the islands of Malta and Sicily. He subsequently wrote a book on these experiences. Caravaggio came into his life completely by chance; life has never been quite the same since.

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