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Edouard Manet: godfather of modern art

Lecture on Monday 7th April 2025 at 2:15PM

Lecturer: Bill Powell
Venue: Larruperz Centre

Despite an upper class upbringing, Manet adopted a bohemian lifestyle and scandalised the French art world with his radical interpretations of urban life.

Bill's working career was in finance, firstly as an accountant with BT. He joined St Michael's Financial Services (now M&S Money) shortly after they were established in the mid-1980s as Head of Customer Service. He then became the UK Chairman of the Consumer Credit Trade Association. He took early retirement and embarked on a completely different career as a tour manager, escorting groups of people to various destinations around the world. During this time he was able indulge his love of Modern Art, visiting galleries across the globe. He started lecturing on cruise ships in 2013, talking about Modern Art and his other great passion, Rock and Roll music.

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